Toms shoes are the poster boy company for civic engagement artifacts and compelling unique designs. In class we discussed ways to liven up our ted talks, and all presentations in general. Different tactics were mentioned such as using visuals, never using bullet points, appropriate colors, little amounts of text etc. We watched many Ted Talks that utilized these tips and some that did not but as for campaigns, Toms shoes does it best. As seen in some of their campaign designs bellow they play a lot into the simplicity and commonality of buying Toms are.
In the first design, the creator is trying to stress how this should become a regular way to give back to the community, that it is common and almost expected of by the audience. They used bold white font that sticks out with a black background and then they chose to put a picture of a shoe instead of saying Toms so it is clear what they are asking you to do. In the second picture the creator chose a simple four step diagram to show the audience just how easy it is to make a difference, and instead of writing that all out in words they used visuals to that it would resonate and be remembered by more people. Lastly the picture of America and Africa sowed together is a cute way of showing visually that your contribution can directly effect and help the lives of those in Africa. Toms shoes are focused around simplicity and how the simplicity of their idea is easily helping others, so their designs are also more basic to appropriately match their argument. Toms shoes does a good job through these ads to gain the attention of the audience and ask them to be civic and do what is easy and almost expected of them to do at this point.